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Mattie's Place
Despite what you'd think, Canada's animal welfare laws are exceedingly weak.
To try to change the law and gain attention to this issue, we worked with award-winning dog rescue Mattie's Place to create the first petition signed by pets.
This 'Pet-ition' was made possible thanks to a legal loophole, as petitions regulations don't explicity state that you must be human. In fact, all you need to sign a petition is a name, Canadian residence, and unique signature, things that pets all possess.
On october 29th 2024, the pet-ition was officially tabled in the house of commons by Federal Member of Parliament Julie Dabrusin, with support from several other MPs.

Agency: Publicis Toronto
CCO: Vini Dalvi
Head of Art: Victor Yves
Creative Director: Sandra Baumander
Senior Copywriter: Peter Sreckovic
Senior Art Director: Devon Clarke
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